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Device Infield Update (OTA) Guide

Guide to implementing support for device in-field firmware / application updates (OTA - Over The Air) using the Murano platform IoT Connectors and ExoSense.

implementation of remote infield update of software, firmware, and applications requires support in the IoT edge device. The tools and schema provided by Exosite were support to enable any type of edge device from resource constrained embedded microcontrollers to industrial computers.

Edge developers must ensure secure API communication and provisioning is used and handle proper firmware update handling for failover.


Requirement Notes
Device has an Internet Connection (IP) The device must have a public internet connection for use with Exosite's standard Murano platform. (Contact support for device cloud integrations)
Device supports MQTT and/or HTTP protocol When using MQTT for device API, HTTP is required to download actual content files
Device supports TLS Security The TLS encryption requirement can be turned off for development, but not to be used for production use cases.
An Exosite Platform Account To create IoT Connectors, an Exosite Account is required with ExoSense deployed.
Existing IoT Connector & ExoSense For purposes of this guide, it is assumed the device already is connected and sending data. Connect a Device Guide

OTA Update Schema

The Exosite OTA Update Schema has the full set of details for the infield update interface.

IoT Connector Setup

ExoSense requires and uses the following resources. Having used the Standard ExoSense Connector Template, these should already be set up. For the purposes of OTA updates, the following resources are used.

Resource Name Writer Description
config_otau Device / App Used by the application / platform to let a device know a software package is available for OTA process. See OTAU Schema
otau_in Device Used by device to send status updates for the OTA process. See OTAU Schema

Protocol Support

Devices can communicate with the defined resources using HTTP or MQTT device protocol.

Downloading Content over MQTT Port

For constrained devices that may only have one network port, the downloading of content is handled through HTTP. If the device is using MQTT and content files for downloading are stored in Murano, the device will need to switch to HTTP for downloading. Information about switching from MQTT to HTTP for download can be found here. Content Over MQTT port

When using HTTP, the device should poll periodically (or use long-polling) for the config_otau resource. When using MQTT, a topic subscription for the resource config_otau would be used.

Software Package Manifest

The OTAU process uses the concept of a manifest which specified information about the software package for updating the device firmware, application, etc. This allows flexibility for both resource constrained embedded products and industrial computers running multiple application processes.

This manifest is a JSON blob that is written to the config_otau resource by the application, platform, or API to let the device know it has updates.

Software Package Manifest contents

Key Required? Description
version Required used to distinguish this OTAU from others (eg. version number).
name Required human-readable name of OTAU (eg. “Security Update”)
description Optional description of OTAU
type Required used by the gateway to determine how to handle the OTAU
payload Required Depends on the type

An example of a Software Package manifest

    "version": "1.2.0",
    "name": "Firmware upgrade",
    "description": "Updates to main application and protocol handlers",
    "type": "URL_LIST",
    "payload": [

Software Payload Files

The Manifest information defines the payload of file/file locations to be downloaded. These files need not be stored in Exosite's IoT Connector content. They can be, but can point to any location your device has access to.

A file included in the payload may simply be a set of instructions for applying commands for updates.

Files that are stored in the Exosite IoT Connector will not have a host as part of the URL.

Software Package Creation

ExoSense will list Software Packages that are associated to specific devices. This can be done through the ExoSense UI.

Software Package Role Permission

To create software packages, the user's role must include the Device Software Package Administration permission.

ExoSense Software Package UI

To list a software package for one or more devices, the package can be created in the ExoSense application using the SOFTWARE PACKAGES tab on the devices page. When creating a new package, a form allows you to specify the information that goes into the manifest. The ExoSense software package UI provides two options, either files or links - both with the package type 'URL_LIST'.

When submitting the new software package, the package is made available to users of the specified devices.

Important: The software package is not automatically applied to the devices.

Software Package of Uploaded Files

Uploaded files are placed in the Exosite IoT Connector content area to allow devices to download.

The device firmware should recognize that payload items without a full host as files stored in the IoT Connector. The Device HTTP protocol can be used to download these files.


Example config_otau manifest

  "version": "1.0.2",
  "name": "Firmware update",
  "description": "firmware package updated",
  "type": "URL_LIST",
  "payload": [

A software package can be one ore more links. In this use case, the device uses this links of URL links to download / fetch the files and then apply them.


Example config_otau manifest

  "version": "08-14-2021",
  "name": "Update Device Packages 08-14-2021",
  "description": "",
  "type": "URL_LIST",
  "payload": [

ExoSense API

Software packages can be created and uploaded using the ExoSense API. If storing content in the IoT Connector, an initial call should be made to create the content and upload the files. Then make the call to create the empty content file to store the proper package information.

ExoSense GraphQL API Example to create Software Package
    "operationName": "CreateContentGQL",
    "variables": {
      "content": {
        "name": "package_oem_firmware_update_1.0.1.json",
        "content_type": "firmware",
        "type": "firmware",
        "length": 205,
        "tags": [
            "name": "otau_info",
            "value": "{\"author\":\"\",\"product\":\"myconnector\",\"config_otau\":{\"version\":\"1.0.1\",\"name\":\"firmware update\",\"description\":\"firmware update\",\"type\":\"URL_LIST\",\"payload\":[\"firmware_updatev101.txt\"]}}"
            "name": "pid",
            "value": "d1zzd6dflnt50000"
            "name": "total-devices",
            "value": 3
            "name": "d1zzd6dflnt50000.a0001",
            "value": "1"
            "name": "d1zzd6dflnt50000.a0002",
            "value": "1"
            "name": "d1zzd6dflnt50000.a0003",
            "value": "1"
        "product_id": "d1zzd6dflnt50000"
    "query": "mutation CreateContentGQL($content: ContentInput) {\n  createContent(content: $content) {\n    id\n    url\n    inputs\n    method\n    field\n    enctype\n    __typename\n  }\n}\n"

The response will include information for uploading the content file to storage.

Device OEM - Murano IoT Connector Content

ExoSense stores and retrieves the information about the software package (the manifest) in empty content files in the IoT Connector, placing the config_otau information in a tag (otau_info) associated to this empty content file.

To use the Murano CLI to upload software packages, please contact support for more information.

Device OTAU Interface

Manifest (config_otau)

When the application / platform side has a new software package for a device the config_otau resource is written to with information (i.e. a manifest) about the software package. A device will read this (polling or subscription) to know the software is available with information on what to download.

Status Updates (otau_in)

Once a device begins the OTAU process, it can provide status updates to the platform / application by writing to the otau_in resource.


The basic steps for the device implementation are as follows:

  1. Subscribe (MQTT) or poll (HTTP) the 'config_otau' resource to be notified of a new manifest for the software package. Be sure to acknowledge the information contained in config_otau by writing the value back.
  2. The 'payload' defines the content files to download.
  3. Download the necessary files of the software package manifest. Note that files may simply be instructions for upgrading.
  4. Install / Update local firmware / packages / applications with these files.
  5. During this process, provide updates to ExoSense for end-users to see using the otau_in resource and the defined states in the OTAU schema.
  6. When completed, send one last status update that contains the status INSTALLED_VERSION.

Example Python Script showing OTAU Flow

ExoSense End-user Experience

Users with Device Management and Device Software Package Management role permissions are able to apply the updates to the specific devices.

Once applied, devices will provide status updates