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Feature Control

Administrators with the Setup - Feature permission enabled are able to enable/disable certain features of the application.

Feature Control

Feature Availability Legend

Feature is available at specific tiers

Canvas 98 Feature requires connected device hardware support or IoT connector support

Feature may have direct or indirect usage costs associated

BETA Feature is available for use but may have known limitations and/or advanced use case information that is needed.

Feature must be enabled by Exosite team and/or Early Access Features, please contact support.

Exosite Labs functionality allows administrators to try out unreleased functionality and UI updates. May change at any time.

Legacy functionality that is being deprecated. Contact support for more information.

Features that can be enabled / disabled include:

Asset Management

Feature Default Availability Description
Asset Grid Enabled Provides a tabular group Asset Fleet View using Asset Types / Metrics.
Asset Templating Enabled Ability to create and use asset templates, adds Asset Template Management permission for user roles.
Asset Templating Rule / Transform Overrides Disabled Allow Transform and Rule Constants to be changed on Template linked Assets
Asset Templating Signal Overrides Disabled Allow Signal Properties to be changed on Template linked Assets
Asset Types Enabled Allows specifying Asset Types that share similar Metrics for fleet visualization
Geofences Disabled Allows enabling the Geofence feature for map views
Legacy Asset Templating Disabled Deprecated: Legacy templating is no longer available on new ExoSense instances. Please use the new Asset Templating interface.

Asset Configuration

Feature Default Availability Description
Actions Enabled Enables using Action functions for assets.
Array Data Rules Disabled BETA Enable Rules for Array Data
Asset Content Enabled Allows use of the Asset Content functionality, allowing devices and users to upload files and view them. Adds permissions for user roles.
Asset Metadata Enabled Enables Asset Metadata field functionality.
Asset Timeout Rule Enabled Allow users to use the timeout rule and see timeout status for Assets.
Asset Insight Function Checks Disabled BETA Early Access: Enables the use of Checks on Transform and Rule functions
Bulk Change Enabled Allow users to use the bulk change functions.
Custom Inline Insight Rules Enabled Allow administrators with proper user permission to create custom inline rule insights.
Custom Inline Insight Transform Enabled Allow administrators with proper user permission to create custom inline transform insights.
Default Dashboard Enabled Enables editable eDefault Dashboards instead of fixed asset info view for Assets.
Legacy Asset Data Dashboard Disabled Allows disabling the legacy built-in data dashboard for assets. Recommend using Default Dashboard instead moving forward when creating assets without using a template.
Signal Selection Tree Disabled BETA Early Access: Updated selection tool for configuring signals on dashboard panels.
Subsystems Disabled Enables grouping of Asset signals into subsystems.
URL Data Type Disabled Canvas 98 Allow devices to supply URLs as a type of data value, that can be displayed in dashboards as links. Note: Exosite is not responsible for links sent as signal values and displayed for users to click.

Device Management

Feature Default Availability Description
Custom Form Button Disabled Canvas 98 BETA Allow sending complex device configuration and command requests via the ExoSense and IoT Connector device control schema.
Device Control Disabled Canvas 98 Allows device control functionality and the dashboard panel to be available to users.
Device Software Packages Disabled Canvas 98 Exposes the Device Software Package interface to users for devices
User Device Claiming Support Enabled Canvas 98 Enables the 'Add Device' button for device manager role to claim devices as alternative to administrators assigning unused devices.
Device Config Applications Disabled Canvas 98 BETA Allows advanced configuration options for device channels, allowing users to manage edge-side application parameters. Requires device support.

Solution Management

Feature Default Availability Description
Custom Notification Templating Disabled BETA Allows custom translated templates for SMS and Email notifications from Assets
ExoSense Public API Disabled Allows using the ExoSense Public API.
Group Theming Disabled Allows groups to create their own color themes on a group by group level.
Solution Publishing Disabled Allows publishing the solution to Exchange as a template.

Data Visualization/Export

Feature Default Availability Description
Array Data Panel Disabled BETA Plot an array of numbers or an array of points
Dynamic Graphical Panel Enabled Allows users to use the dynamic graphic dashboard panel in their dashboards.
ExoSense Labs Disabled Allow users to work with Exosite's UI/UX Lab, early access user interface updates and features.
Export Menu Disabled BETA Export data from the application as pdf, images, csv, and JSON files.
Flexible Trend Chart Disabled BETA Trend Chart that supports plotting Array Data as series based on X values as well as other numerical data types.
Heatmap Panel Disabled Allow users to use the heatmap dashboard panel.
Markdown Panel Enabled Allows users to use the markdown dashboard panel in their dashboards.
Operating Plot Panel Disabled BETA Allows users to create an operating plot dashboard panel
Public Dashboards Disabled Allow users to share dashboards publicly without a password for protection
Recurring Reports Enabled Allows a user to create and generate recurring reports
User Preferred Units Disabled BETA Allows users to visualize data on dashboards and asset grids using their own preferred units


Feature Default Availability Description
Condition Policies Disabled BETA Condition Management and Policies feature is available.
Dark Mode Theme Option Enabled BETA Allows user ability to toggle dark mode as part of the theme or as part of their profile. Only works when paired with Tiered SideNav
Data Explorer Disabled BETA The Data Explorer tool allows users to explorer, analyze, and compare historical signal data on one or more signals on one or more Assets.
Maps Enabled Enables users to view device and asset locations on maps
Multi-Group Users Disabled Allows users to be assigned to more than one non-home group.
QR Codes Disabled BETA Allows QR codes to be displayed in some parts of the application and customizing the displayed QR codes
Tiered Sidenav Enabled Enables the new ExoSense side-navigation UI and global Search.
Web Widgets Disabled BETA Allows running 3rd party integration scripts on your ExoSense instance
Work Orders Disabled BETA Maintenance Work Order Management feature is available.


Features available in your ExoSense instance are based on the tier, customized contracts, and unreleased/advanced functionality enabled by your Exosite support contact. Contact support for more information.