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Panel: Simple & Complex Line Charts

The Line Chart panel plots one or more numeric signals as series on a line chart. The panel is presented as two starting options - simple or complex to help with the numerous configuration options. Visualize multiple signals against thresholds and baselines over configurable periods of time.

Simple vs Complex Line Chart

The Simple and Complex line chart panels are exactly the same but have different default options enabled as a starting point.

Both panels support 1 or more signals.

Multiple Signals with Legend enabled

Complex Line Chart Panel Example

A single signal with last value shown

Example simple line chart with a signal showing a gap.

Key Functionality

Time Window Selection - Provides configurable selection buttons for quick access time period views.

Sampling - Data is down-sampled when time period of view's sampling size is longer than the the actual data reported rate. Sampling uses an Average value for the time slice, but min and max can be enabled as an option in the configuration or in the panel's viewer menu.

Compare Signals - Supports multiple signals and ability to hover over points to get values.

  • Recommended for 20 or less but supports up to 50 with lower performance / usability.
  • Number of signals is also limited by signal types, up to 9 different data types can be used.

Axis Flexibility - Supports multiple Axis, based on Data Types or Custom.

Pan and Zoom - Optional Timeline navigator, X and Y axis zoom options.

Baselines and Rule Threshold Lines - Ability to set a static baseline and to choose Signal Threshold Rules as lines.

Export - The panel's view menu allows export as a CSV file or XLS file from the data in chart.

Configuration options

Data Selection

The complex line chart supports up to 20 signals which can be selected on the Signal Selection step.

Default View Options

Option Default Description
Panel Title Name of Signal Text on the dashboard panel header
Default View Live Mode The default time period shown
Live Mode Time & Points

30 Minutes

500 Reported Data Points

In Live Mode time view, specify the max number of minutes or hours and max number of points to show. Note that the max is 8 hours and 1000 points. These are configurable based on the fact different signals have different report rates.
Display Horizontal Grid lines Off When enabled, shows horizontal grid lines.
Display Legend Off When enabled, shows a legend for the signals on the chart.
Data Gaps Off When enabled, will show gaps in lines when the data points are greater than the number of times the report rate set. For example, if set to 3 times the report rate and the report rate is 60 seconds, a gap will be shown if two data points are greater than 180 seconds apart.
Show Timeline Navigator Off/On Show a timeline navigation panel at the bottom of the chart.
Display Min/Max Off For all Time Modes except Live, data is down-sampled. If turned on, this will show the minimum and maximum values during the down sampled periods in addition to the average.
Highlight Key Signal On/Off Will show a specific signal's last value and optionally units at the top of the chart. Optionally can hide if signal is past its timeout setting.

Time Navigation

Allows setting up to 5 selectable time periods in the chart in addition to Live mode.

Default Time Selectable Periods

Data Types & Signal Properties

For all of the signals in use on this panel, you may specify an Axis for each Data Type or in the case of multiple signals of the same type, allow choosing the Data Type axis or a Custom axis.


Allows setting a baseline horizontal line for the chart, for one signal, if any of the signals have a baseline property set. The baseline will be shown as a static dashed line.


This configuration tab provides a list of threshold rule warning and critical thresholds found for each signal in the line chart. Users can choose to show the threshold, use automated label or custom text on the line, and to show vertical bands for when the signals are in warning and critical states. See Asset Condition Rules for more information.

Options for each signal rule threshold states.

Option Default Description
Include in Vertical Band Off Shows the status as a vertical yellow (warning) or red (critical) band on the chart.
Display Horizontal Line On Whether to show the specific threshold as a line on the chart using yellow for warning and red for critical lines.
Line Label Text Checked Checked means it will automatically use the type of threshold and the value to set the label on the threshold line. Example: >40.0°CIf it is unchecked, you can specify your own label text.


By default, the panel will create a Y Axis for each Data Type represented for all the signals. For example, if there are two Pressure signals and one Temperature, two Axis would be added. This can be customized under the Axis configuration. For each Data Type axis, the units, name, scaling, and left / right placement can be changed.

Axis Ranging

By default, each Y Axis will 'auto range' based on the current data set. This can be disabled per axis. One or both of the min and max can be provided to set a range. If left blank, that min or max will auto-scale. As an example, if the min should always be 0, this can be set while leaving the max to auto-range.

You may also add a custom axis which can be used for signals with custom numbers or to allow two (or more) signals of the same type to have different axis - for example because of scaling.

The Axis units may use the default Signal Specified Visualization Units (recommended) to dynamically adjust based on the user or choose a specific unit.

Line Chart Axis Configuration

Same Data Type, Different Axis

When there are two or more Signals of the same Data Type, you may choose either the Data Type axis or a custom axis.

Axis Selection for Signals

Live Data Mode

The complex chart include a live mode which pulls non-sampled data from the signal history, limited by number of total points (500 to 1000) and time up to 2 hours. The chart will never grab more than the number of points set to be sure the data is not down sampled. The chart auto refreshes as new values for the signal come into the platform.

Line Chart during Live Mode duration.

Line Chart Configuration - Live Mode settings

Line Gaps

Line gaps are configurable. The default is 3-times the report rate for the signal being displayed, if the signal has a report rate property set. The gap rate can be changed from the default 3x duration in the chart's configuration to a different time multiplier.

Line gaps in a line chart

Timeout Handling

If the signal being displayed has a timeout property set, the chart will grey out if the last reported value is longer than the set timeout property value.

Two charts with signals with the same timeout property value.  One chart with the hide current value set.

Export Chart Data

The Complex Line Chart allows users to export the data currently in view in the chart. Note that this data may be down-sampled based on the time window. For a full resolution export of data, please use Reports & Exporting.

Export Chart Data


Signals that have threshold rules may have their thresholds shown as lines on the chart. The configuration allows 1 or all thresholds to be plotted for each signal on the chart. The threshold label text can also be configured or left to be automated.

Chart with warning and critical thresholds shown

Chart with threshold lines and vertical status bands enabled

Example threshold settings for a chart