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Asset Statuses & Events

Asset Status are helpful andon-style indicators of an asset's health. They can be used to quickly allow a user to determine the health of assets across large fleets. Status changes are based on rules associated to signals in the data pipeline. These signal statuses roll-up to the Asset (see below for more details).

Status event creation and display of a status may be affected by the following:

  1. Signal Rules in the Asset Configuration data pipeline
  2. Timeout Properties in the Signal Configuration
  3. Manual Logs created by users

Asset statuses are visible in:

  • the Asset Fleet / Group / List views
  • Some Dashboard Panels that display assets
  • Map views of assets
  • Event logs


Conditions, Email and SMS notifications, and Action functions are triggered by rule state change events, with the status level a part of the message.

Summary of Statuses

Status Icon Description Visualization
Normal / Ok The Normal status clears other status indicators, denoting that an asset is operating normally.
Rule, Manual Log, or lack of other status being output
1. Any other rule on that asset outputting a different status
2. Manual Log defining different status
Dashboard Panels
Depends on panel settings.
Asset Lists
Warning The Warning status is typically used to denote an asset is operating in a state that is a concern, but not yet critical.
Rule or Manual Log
1. Any other rule on that asset outputting Critical
2. Rule outputting Warning Status changing to a different status.
3. Manual Log defining different status
Dashboard Panels

Asset Lists
Critical The Critical status is typically used to denote an asset is operating in a state that is critical to address.
Rule or Manual Log
1. Rule outputting Warning Status changing to a different status.
2. Manual Log defining different status
Dashboard Panels

Asset Lists
Error The Error status is typically used to denote that there is an error with the equipment and/or monitoring of the equipment.
Rule or Manual Log
1. Rule outputting Warning or Critical Status changing to a different status.
2. Manual Log defining different status
Dashboard Panels

**Asset Lists*

Informational The Informational status is used to denote less about a level and more about a piece of information about the equipment at that time. It does not change the overall asset status.
Rule or Manual Log
Does not affect an asset's status.
Dashboard Panels
Depends on panel / settings.
Asset Lists
Asset Timeout The timeout status is used to indicate that at least one signal in the asset is in a timeout state.
Any signal in timeout state
All signals no longer in timeout.
Dashboard Panels
Depends on panel / settings.
Asset Lists
Signal Timeout Indicates the specific signal is timed out.
A Timeout Rule on a signal
A new value written to the signal, causing the rule to not be in timeout.
Dashboard Panels
Yes. Panels can use both the Signal's Timeout property and a Timeout Rule's status for showing timeout. Optionally you can choose to hide the signal's data and status if the signal has timed out. In some cases, the user can choose to display most recent data point while in the timeout state. In those instances, the data is shown along with a timeout icon, faded, and colored to reflect status (red/yellow/burgundy/green)
Asset Lists


See Timeout Rules for more details about timeout rules and their impact on visualization and notifications.

Displaying of statuses is optional on many dashboard panels.