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Sigfox IoT Connector

NEW: Federation Support

An integration with Sigfox is now easier using Exosite's Device Cloud Federation API.

Device Cloud Federation

Contact Exosite support for more information.

Sigfox is a French global network operator founded in 2009 that builds wireless networks to connect low-power objects such as electricity meters and smartwatches, which need to be continuously on and emitting small amounts of data.

Exosite provides the ability for integrating Sigfox devices into the Exosite Murano platform using the Cloud Federation API. This IoT Connector is a Template that includes a Sigfox service that must be configured. Information is provided below.


Before getting started you will need a Sigfox backend Account ready to accept devices connectivity.

Sigfox Integration Overview

Exosite's Cloud Federation API provides the ability to forward device events from the Sigfox backend to Murano over a federated and secure connection.

This provides:

  • Sigfox device data ingest for use with ExoSense
  • Murano device auto-provisioning

Additional Functionality Available


For additional integration and functionality with Sigfox using the Exosite Federation API, please contact Exosite support for further information.

In addition to providing a federated interface for Sigfox backend data to be sent into Exosite, additional functionality can be added to your IoT Connector including:

  • Callback management
  • Sigfox 12bytes to Murano resources mapping
  • Supported both of uplink and downlink
  • Incorporate the ExoSense data model compatibility
  Device->>Sigfox Backend: Sigfox Uplink
  Sigfox Backend->>Federation IoT Connector: Callback
  loop Custom Handling
      Federation IoT Connector->>Federation IoT Connector: Decoding/Mapping
  Federation IoT Connector->>ExoSense: Channel data