ExoSense Insights Schema¶
Last Update: 2025-02-06
This schema defines the interface for Exosite's streaming 'Insight Interface' which provides the ability to build logical operations and analytics in the form of transform, rule, and action functions that can be used in the ExoSense data pipeline to handle digital asset signal data.
This information specifies the required functions and data scheme for building an External Insight. External refers to a separate service that supports the required endpoints as defined below. This schema information may also be used to understand the data flow and objects for the ExoSense Inline Insights.
Insight modules contain one or many functions (one or multiple types). Each function provides it's own information - in this way the interface is dynamic for loading into the ExoSense user interface.
A new Insight module is defined by a swagger file and published as a ExoSense Insight
service in Exosite's IoT Marketplace.
Download an example swagger template file
Reference & Definitions¶
Term | Definition |
Insight | Module of analytic Functions to perform calculations on Asset Signals. |
Function | Member of an Insight module. |
Datapoint | Single instance of a Signal Data stream, with a timestamp. |
Linkage | ExoSense Pipeline term for non-Signal blocks on the Asset Config page of the UI. |
API Paths¶
There are three required paths that an Insight must support:
GET /info
: Insight Module InfoPOST /insights
: Function ListPOST /process
: Processing Signal Data
Optionally, an Insight can support the following paths:
GET /insight/{function_id}
: Specific FunctionPOST /lifecycle
: Lifecycle Events
Insight Module Info¶
The GET /info
endpoint serves to retrieve information about an Insight and is expected to return the following payload keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The friendly name for the Insight, which will be presented in the ExoSense UI. |
description | string | true | High-level description of the Insight. |
group_id_required | boolean | true | Whether or not the result of POST /insights should be filtered based on a user-provided Group ID. |
wants_lifecycle_events | boolean | false | Whether or not the Insight requires lifecycle events to be sent. |
"name": "Acme Co. Insight",
"group_id_required": true,
"description": "Insight exposing algorithms to predict the life of your Acme product.",
"wants_lifecycle_events": true
Function List¶
The POST /insights
endpoint returns a list of applicable Functions exposed by the Insight and information about those Functions.
The request body can have the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
group_id | string | false | Which group of Functions to return. |
limit | integer | false | How many Functions to return. |
offset | integer | false | Offset or paginate returned Functions. |
"group_id": "CH00123",
"limit": 4,
"offset": 0
The response body should have the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
total | integer | true | The number of Functions in the group. |
count | integer | true | The number of Functions returned. |
insights | array | true | Array of Function Info blocks, which will be presented by name in the ExoSense UI. |
"total": 7,
"count": 4,
"insights": [
{ "name": "Function1", ... },
{ "name": "Function2", ... },
{ "name": "Function3", ... },
{ "name": "Function4", ... }
Processing Signal Data¶
The POST /process
endpoint will be called with the Signal Data as specified in the section above. What the Insight Function does with that payload is up to its author, but it is expected that this endpoint will return an array of arrays.
The inner array is for output Signal Datapoints for a specific Outlet. In the future, the outer array will be used to hold different Outlets' inner arrays.
A Function that returns nothing will respond with an empty array of arrays: [[]]
Specific Function¶
The GET /insight/{function_id}
endpoint returns a single Function Info block corresponding to its member Function with the same function_id
Lifecycle Events¶
The POST /lifecycle
endpoint is optional and serves to inform the Insight about creation and deletion events.
This endpoint will receive a body with the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
event | string | "create" or "delete" |
id | string | The Linkage ID for this specific instance of the Insight Function |
args | object | The same args object as sent to the /process endpoint |
Core Payload Objects¶
The two primary payloads encountered with Insights, the Insight Function Info and Signal Data objects, are described here in detail.
Insight Function Info¶
Insight Function Info is used to generate the ExoSense UI when adding a Function to a Signal and to inform the ExoSense Pipeline on what information the Function needs to calculate a result.
The object has the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true | The unique ID used for this Function. Internal to the Insight Module. |
name | string | true | The friendly name for this Function. |
description | string | true | The description of this Function. |
type | string | true | The type (transform , rule , or action ) of this Function. Default is transform , if not provided. |
inlets | array | true | Specify the Input Signals. |
outlets | object | true | Specify the Output Signal. |
constants | array | false | Specify parameters for users to provide when adding this Function. |
Insight Functions can be one of three types: transform
, rule
, or action
. Their classification into one of these buckets determines how ExoSense and the Pipeline treats them. The default type is transform
if not specified.
The inlets
key is an array of Inlet objects, each of which can have the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
tag | string | true | Tag to use to identify the Inlet. Shows up in Signal Datapoint tags. |
name | string | true | Friendly name for the Inlet. |
description | string | true | Useful description for this Inlet. |
data_type | string | false | Optionally require specific data_type . |
data_unit | string | false | Optionally require specific data_unit . |
primitive_type | string | false | Optionally require specific primitive_type . |
The outlets
key is an array of Outlet objects, which can have the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
data_type | string | true | Specify the output data_type . |
data_unit | string | false | Optionally specify the output data_unit . |
name | string | true | Friendly name for the Outlet. |
description | string | true | Useful description for this Outlet. |
suggested_name | string | false | A suggestion for what to name signals that get created for this outlet. |
Constants inform the ExoSense UI about parameters that users will supply when they add the Function to one or more Signals. Each Constant in the constants
array can have the following properties:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | Name for this constant. Users will see this in the UI. |
type | string | true | The type of constant: value can be "string" or "number". |
description | string | false | Helpful description of this constant. |
default | -- | false | Default value if left blank. Can be a string or a number, depending on type . |
enum | array | false | Array of allowed values. |
enum_presented | array | false | Array of meta names for the enum array that will be shown in the UI. |
maximum | number | false | For number type , largest the value can be. |
minimum | number | false | For number type , smallest the value can be. |
multiple | boolean | false | Default False. When set to true, allows constant to be added multiple times. |
"constants": [
"name": "days",
"type": "number",
"description": "The number of previous days to analyze",
"default": 1,
"maximum": 7,
"minimum": 1
"name": "aggregation_function",
"type": "string",
"description": "The aggregation function to use",
"enum": ["avg", "max", "min", "count", "sum"],
"default": "avg"
Signal Data¶
When an Insight Function receives Signal Data, the object the Function receives has three to five top-level keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
id | string | true | The ID of the Linkage this Signal Datapoint was sent from. |
data | array | true | List of Signal Datapoints. |
args | object | true | Information about the specific Insight including values for user-provided Constants. |
The ID is the specific instance of the Insight Function. If an Asset has four signals—A, B, C, and D—and they are Inlets to a Transform Function like the following:
A --\
|-- Transform -- AB
B --/
C --\
|-- Transform -- CD
D --/
Then the first and second Transforms will have different IDs. In the ExoSense Pipeline, these instances are known as Linkages, and the ID is the Linkage ID.
The ID field is critical for multiple-Inlet Insight Functions, as that Function will receive the Inlet Signal Datapoints separately and will need to keep track of their relationships.
Signal Data passed around ExoSense to and from an Insight has a common schema.
Signal Data objects have the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
origin | string | true | Publishing ID. |
generated | string | true | Publishing ID that created this Signal Datapoint. |
ts | integer | true | Unix timestamp in microseconds of when the data originated in Murano. |
value | -- | true | Value for this instance of data. |
tags | object | false | Tags helpful in identifying the original source of the data. |
gts | integer | false | Unix timestamp in microseconds of when this Signal Datapoint was generated. |
ttl | integer | false | Time to live for Signal Datapoint. |
Tags include general info about the Signal Datapoint as well as inlet
, which ties an individual Datapoint back to its Inlet using the Inlet tag.
"tags": {
"resource": "data_in",
"pid": $product_id,
"metric": $data_in_key,
"identity": $device_identity,
"data_unit": $data_unit,
"data_type": $data_type,
"primitive_type": $primitive_type,
"inlet": $inlet_tag
Origin describes the source of the Datapoint. Frequently this source is a Device Channel, but could also be from a Signal injection, in which case the Origin will be the UUID of the Signal.
The most common origin
is in the following format:
For most situations in ExoSense, the <RESOURCE_ID>
is data_in
The Args block in Signal Data contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
function_id | string | true | ID of the Function. |
group_id | string | false | Group ID if one exists. |
constants | object | false | Constant parameters. |
Function Type Information¶
Transforms are used to convert, evaluate, and process one or more streaming signals for purposes of data conversion or analytics. The outcome is one or more signals that can be used for visualization, further analytics, rules, and reporting.
Transform function specifics
Transform functions use the super set of the Insight interface functionality documented in this schema.
The use case for rule
type functions is to evaluate signal data and determine if a condition status has changed, which the most basic examples are for a value to be equal or not equal to a constant value or if a numeric value has crossed a threshold.
Rule function specifics
- The value for
in the Insight Function Info isrule
. - The outlet data type is always
- ExoSense supports single inlet Rules only.
Multi-Inlet Rules are not supported
ExoSense does not support multi-inlet rules throughout the entire application, although there are ways to create them such as in the inline insight interface or building a custom external function.
Example of Rule Insight Function Info
"name": "SomeRule",
"description": "SomeRule description",
"type": "rule",
"constants": [
"name": "const1",
"description": "desc for const1",
"type": "string"
"name": "level",
"description": "The alert level if the substring is found",
"type": "number",
"enum": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"default": 1
"outlets": {
"primitive_type": "JSON",
"data_type": "STATUS",
Status Data Type¶
The output of a rule insight is a JSON string.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
level | integer | true | Alert severity |
type | string | false | |
value | string | false |
Status Levels¶
Level | Value |
Normal | 0 |
Info | 1 |
Warning | 2 |
Critical | 3 |
Error | 4 |
User defined addendum messages¶
The notifications and rule event logs may include an extension message that can be added by an end user. To enable this per Rule function, the function must include the following reserved named constants.
name: "messageMatch",
description: "Extra details for when value does match",
type: "string",
name: "messageElse",
description: "Extra details for when value does not match",
type: "string",
default: "The value didn't match",
Refer to Constants for details on properties.
The use case for action
type functions is to send a rule status change value(a condition event) to a service that will consume and use that information to take some action such as send a notification, create a maintenance ticket, or register the condition for historical purposes.
Action function specifics
- The value for
in the Insight Function Info isaction
. - Actions are used with rules, meaning an action subscribes to the output of a Rule's Status signal. Actions only support one inlet, which the type is required to be
. (Signal -> Rule -> Status Signal -> Action) - Action functions have no outlet.
Example Action Insight Function Info
"name": "Some Action",
"description": "Some Action description",
"type": "action",
"constants": [
"name": "const1",
"description": "desc for const1",
"type": "string"
"inlets": [
"primitive_type": "JSON",
"data_type": "STATUS",
Change log¶
- Deprecate and remove of Callback (cbi) functionality
- Add information for
key options for Constants. - Deprecate and full removal of support for including signal
in the /process operation. Recommendation: Store history and/or state in the external insight service. - Adding 'action' function type support
- Move content sections around with api routes first, adding overview, and table reformating.
- New document to detail insight transform and rule interface with ExoSense